We take a deep dive into your understanding of all-things parenting, wiping the slate clean, redefining any misconceptions, and putting you on your absolute strongest path. You will feel empowered. This is an exciting endeavor - you’ll realize you already possess every skill you need - I bring that to your attention with evidence-based, clever approaches and strategies - many you will not learn anywhere else. I want to hear the good, the bad, the great, the terrible. Parenting coaches set out to build the skills of the parent - I do not - I set out to shape the skills of the person - and that badass person becomes a badass parent. Every. Single. Time.
Host a Parent and Wine Time while I attend as your guest. We drink, we chat, I teach, we learn - in a judgement-free zone. Enjoy a relaxed atmosphere where we create a village for one night. These candid chats are filled with information, strategies, stories and realizations that we all experience as parents. This is a special time for parents to let loose and feel connected among other like-minded friends and families. There's no better way to feel human as a parent than these priceless parenting group nights. Up to five families.
Let's chat about your child's early academic skill set from age two and above. Learn games and language designed to enrich confidence and resiliency and enhance the intellectual properties of verbal reasoning, perceptual reasoning, working memory and processing speed to assist in the early acquisition of reading and mathematical abilities. If you're not sure if your child is performing adequately compared to his or her peers of the same age - if your child's school is reporting that everything is just fine, but you believe otherwise - I will let you know. I've engaged with (or battled) the top independent schools in NYC, know exactly where children should be performing, and work to ensure that children are receiving the level of education required to maximize their successes.